Thursday, 31 October 2013

design 3 different professional logo in 24 hours for $8

What do I offer? ★ Do you need a clean, attractive new logo for your business/website? I can design it for you! ★ I have a lot of experience in this field and the logo will definitively end up clean and professional looking. ★ I can design 3 different professional logo varieties for only $10! Considering your requirements and details. ★ This package will include 3 additional adjustment to your specific needs, style and taste after the logos are designed and delivered. How does this work? ★ Just order and give me instructions on what exactly you want, like: title, tagline, dimensions, format or colors. ★ Also, let me know if you need it for a website or something else. ★ If you don't have detailed preferences I can always work on my own with some general instructions that you give me. ★ Check out my extras. You won't be disappointed. please make a order and send me details after i will start your design work.. Let's me know if you have any concern... ★Order Now!★

by: designerr

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Category: Design

Viewed: 17

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