Saturday, 31 August 2013

I will I will send 25000 REAL followers and send your tweet to 1 million of Twitter users for $7

SEND YOUR MESSAGE TO REAL TWITTER USERS! ALL MY EARNINGS GO TO CHARITY! The biggest gig ever! I will tweet your message about you, your company or whatever you desire to my 250,000 users, 4 times (250k X 4 = 1,000,000!). I will also send 2500 new followers to your account, I don t need your password or login info. Most of the people who follow me are REAL and they are mostly from USA, UK, Germany and Australia. I won t accept messages that are about porn, gambling or anything illegal. FAQ Q: Do you accept any account? A: Yes, except harmful content. Q: Can you write my message for me? A: Yes, I can. Anyway, I prefer when my customers write their own messages, because they know more about their projects than me. Q: What happens if I lose the followers you send me? A: My service has a 45 days guarantee. So if you lose them at some point until 45 days after I delivered, just send me a message and I will send them back. Q: How many visits, likes, views, etc. would I receive from your promotion? A: I can t guarantee a specific number. Anyway, if you didn t liked my service, you can always tell me about it, and we can try to make it work for you or full refund.

by: haroon70009

Created: 31-08-2013

Category: Twitter Followers

Viewed: 4

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