Friday, 30 August 2013

I will LogoSmartz Logo Creator Software Registered' Version Full for $20

Create your own logos with LogoSmartz Logo designing software. Get an appealing and professional logo in minutes! You do not need the graphic design experience and knowledge! Logosmartz Features Enhanced! Over 1800 high quality inbuilt logo templates Select from 1800+ predesigned logo templates. LogoSmartz logo software has now added a broad range of professionally designed, premium quality logo templates. Enhanced! 5000 supreme quality vector graphics symbols Users can access from 5000 top quality vector graphic symbols and over 200 text font styles while creating their logos. Enhanced! Predefined Text Styles With the help of LogoSmartz, the users can use pre-defined text styles like concave text, arc text etc. that can directly be applied to the text. New! Filters LogoSmartz now includes filters like invert, grayscale, sharpen, metallic, emboss, pixelate and water to add special effects to the elements of the website logo design. New! Fill with picture Users can mask any picture to the selected text, symbol or shape. Add special effects to text and symbols The new LogoSmartz offers various incredible effects that can be applied to symbols and text. Blur effect has been added to Logosmartz logo builder. Other special effects include Shadow effects , Gradient effects, Outline effects and Bevel effects. Using these creative effects, you can create a number of distinct logo variations. Import Fonts With Logosmartz, the users can import fonts from the system and then use in their logos. Layers: With this feature, the users can control the positioning of all the objects in the logo. They can also place important objects over other objects to create unique effect. New! Arrangement tools: The new LogoSmartz logo creation program comes with some exciting arrangement tools to arrange the logo components: bring-forward/send-backward by one layer group/ungroup 6 alignment options. New! Color palettes: There are 9 different Color palettes available in LogoSmartz. These include RGB palettes (Standard, Metallic, Vivid, Pastels and Primary) & CMYK palettes (Primary, Pastels, Spectrum and Dark). Apply colors to your logo objects from any of these Color Palettes. New! Color Picker: The users can use Color Picker to pick desired color from screen and apply it to your logo elements. Color Adjustments: Color Adjustments include Saturation, Hue, Brightness and Contrast properties. You can adjust these for text, images, shapes and symbols. New! Advanced Effects: Select from advanced effects like Blur, Frame, Glow etc. and apply them to the logo objects. New! Transparency: Transparency effect can be added to logo's text, shape, symbol or image. New! Flip Design an innovative logo with the help of flip horizontal and flip vertical features. New! Save your Logo Project as a Template: You can save your self-created business logo design as a template in the logo software library. Thus, you can access your logo design any time in future from the software library. New! Send Your Logo as Email: With our Logo Design Program, you can share your logo with others via E-mail as attachment. New! Add Ruler and Grid: Now, the logo making program contains view tools 'Ruler' and 'Grid' to work on the logo in a more precise manner. Logo Output in Different Sizes and 7 Formats: With our Logo Builder Tool, logo can be exported in TIFF, JPG, PNG, PDF, BMP, Vector EPS and GIF formats. Vector EPS refers to a high resolution vector format which is perfect for printing. GIFs & JPEG are low resolution formats and are suitable for the internet. TIFF & PNG are loss less formats and give high clarity output. Thank You Have a Nice Day.

by: GoogleBooster

Created: 30-08-2013

Category: Design

Viewed: 47

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