Friday, 30 August 2013

I will UNLIMITED SMS-verification and Virtual Credit Cards! for $5

I will tell you how you can get UNLIMITED SMS-verification and Virtual Credit Cards! all of this at the cheapest rate of 5$: It allow for SMS to where you want,also UNLIMITED and totally Free. You do not need any credit cards all you have to do follow the instruction and you can start to use free texting with any country and any mobil operators. [Image: usnumbers.jpg] Anonymous unlimited SMS-Verification: Get a anonymous fake mobile-phone number to receive verfication SMS for free ------ Get a legit, usable virtual credit card (FREE!): Here you can get a vcc completely for free to: verify paypal accounts verify ebay accounts do anything you can do with a real credit card, like receiving money or paying money…

by: paymentsofme

Created: 30-08-2013

Category: Other

Viewed: 52

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