Saturday, 31 August 2013

I will run Senuke xCR Service to do Safest Backlinks | SEO NukeX in 48 hours !!! for $12

BUY 4 & Get 1 FREE HIDDEN BONUS for each Gig. I will nuke variety of backlinks from 1. Web 2.0 articles 2. PDF Distribution Sites 3. Wiki Sites 4.Social Bookmark 5.Web 2.0 profiles 6. Forum profiles 7. Social Networking which are a Great mixture of Low-High PR of Domains, Do-Follow, No-Follow from Different IPs. This is ALL IN ONE SEO PACKAGE for your website, Local Business Site, video, any so.cial page Page, Press Release, Twitter Page, LinkedIn Page, Affiliate Sites, Niche Site, Blog etc. I will deliver detailed report, Ping and put all URLs in indexer for each Order. I have 3 Years of experience in SeNuke, so with this gig you will hire an expert. You can compare my gig with other gigs and will see that my gig is safest and best! I need 1 URL and upto 6 keywords for each order. No need of article because it is scraped by senuke itself. However, I may use your artcle, if you can provide 500 words in spintax format. This is 100% Google Friendly and Safe! Please read the Extras listed below which makes this gig more powerful. 40% of orders are of Full Monty template with an additional cost of $20.....!!!!

by: seonani

Created: 31-08-2013

Category: SEnuke X

Viewed: 2

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